
Day 11: Penghu

We caught a cab to the Tainan Airport at 5:45am on the advice of the hotel's front desk staff. We got to the airport around 6:25am, only to discover that the airport didn't actually open until 7:00am! So, we had to wait around until counter staff, baggage check, and security staff arrived. Funny.

The flight to Penghu was a quick 30-minute puddle jump. The views from the plane were amazing. The Taiwan Straights beflow were a gorgeous blue, and we could see numerous fishing vessels trolling for the day's catch. The islands of Penghu appeared to be mostly flat and verdant - heaven!

We caught a taxi from the airport to our hotel, the MF Penghu. It was around 9:00am so we had breakfast at the "Munching Kitchen" attached to the hotel. After that we walked around Magong (the main city on Penghu), checking out sites marked on the tourist map. Our favorite place was the historic alley leading from Huimin Road to the Four-Eyed Well. Next to the well was a traditional apothecary that we learned was over 100 years old. The proprietors kindly allowed us to take photos inside as they were preparing someone's "prescription". From there we walked to the City God Temple where we could see further evidence of Ghost Festival celebrations. We kept heading north, where we came across the Penghu Reclamation Hall. We would have liked to go in but it was closed. Our final stop that morning was the Bei Chen Market, a traditional "wet market" where you can buy fresh fish, meat, vegetables, fruit, and so on. Simone took quite a few photos of the foods on display.

Back at the hotel we had lunch at the Munching Kitchen. We still couldn't check into our room so we decided to look at the tour and spa packages available through the hotel. After much back-and-forth discussion with the front desk clerk we decided to hire a taxi to take us on a private tour of the connected northern islands the next day. We also booked massages at the spa.

Eventually we were able to check in to our room, which was smaller than I expected and had a somewhat outdated bathroom. Still, it was brighter and more modern than the Hotel Hwa Du. We freshened up and thought about what to do with the rest of the day. I needed a rest because I hadn't slept well on the cot at the Hotel Hwa Du and I was nursing a case of heat rash from the previous couple of days of walking. So, I stayed at the hotel while Mom and Simone went out and explored the harbour.

That evening we went out again and explored the city at night. Like many cities in Taiwan, Magong comes alive as soon as the sun sets. We checked out some of the touristy stores that were only open at night, but Magong is a pretty small city so pretty soon we decided to head back to the hotel. We picked up munchies at 7-11 and enjoyed a quiet night in front of the TV with salad, chips, and pop.

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